"weihnacht in schönbrunn"
unser weihnachtsgeschenk für alle ...
wir wünschen euch eine fulminante wintersonnwende!
liebe grüße von hansi und den gretels
"darkest nights"
unser lied für fröhliche rauhnächte!
liebe grüße aus dem südkärntner untergrund!
"road to the fields"
takes you out on the crossroads of life.
and you´d better keep the hands on the wheel. because perhaps the next turn is your turn ...
... it´s your turn!
"rain will come"
Sometimes we wonder how we can enjoy our lifes with our families, friends and relatives this much,
knowing that everything has to come to an end one day …
we know the rain will come ...
trusting silently in the hope that after rain comes sunshine.
maybe these clouds on the horizon should make us enjoy the sunny days even more.
Life is beautiful. Let’s share it with the world.
"the day you left (a big hole in town)"
to our own suprise here comes another video.
is dedicated to rainer straßer.
recorded in 2016 this song is an outtake from our 2018
album "going home".
"there's a daemon in me (bob larsen)"
living a joyful life ...
it´s not a sin, it´s a duty.
as long, as we don´t harm any creature or ourselfes ...
this song goes directly to the adress of those self-styled
immoral guardians:
don´t harm our "daemons"! they are loveable!
you´d better sit down, relax and take a look at yourself ...
"blue hour"
and now for something completely different ...
"blue hour" is the central ballad on our upcoming debut-album.
it´s an intimate, self-destructive confession to a nocturnal life plan.
so darken your room and be ready for some second-hand embarrassment ...
"eat them horror clowns"
we just released our 2. video on youtube:
this song is fed by the anger about these
horror clowns in todays politics.
we had a little dinner with some friends to save the world ...
"when you´re gone (the bucket song)"
now this is our first video on youtube.
it is both:
an answer to the cup song, and a little reminder,
to enjoy life ... because you are
what you are, till the day, you are no more ...